MSA Geopolitical Contiguous Overlay Zones (GCOZ)
One of the most unique attributes of an MSA is that it can transcend state boundaries. It is this unique aspect of the contiguous overlay zone that allows it to exist in the superimposed reality of a multi dimensional entity that is both a part of the City/State/Region matrix yet separate from its host State of origin. It exists on its own unique Geo Spatial plane that transcends the states boundaries.
There are many MSA’s that exemplify this attribute. The Cincinnati MSA transcends the Ohio State border and spreads into northern Kentucky and Southeast Indiana, and the New York City MSA transcends its state border and spreads into New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The Baltimore MSA, by comparison, is squarely within its Maryland State Borders. Other MSA's that do not transcend their States borders are the Atlanta and Austin MSA and they both exemplify the ideal concentric model of efficiency.
Six Examples of how the GCOZ transcend the State Boundries
The political voting paradox of having an MSA located in three different states, such as in the case of the Cincinnati MSA, can easily be solved by using the MSA's urban core as the determinant factor of which state will act as the primary voting time during any given voting cycle. Obviously, there will be no problem during a General Election voting cycle when the country votes on the same day. However, voting protocol will need to be established during the primaries and the Mid-Term election cycles. During those two times, it will be incumbent upon the MSA to make sure that their MSA constituents know when to vote.

Cincinnati MSA Map
The Cincinnati MSA transcends the Ohio State border and goes into the States of Kentucky and Indiana.

New York
New York City MSA Map
The New York City MSA transcends its State border of New York and goes into the States of New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Philadelphia MSA MAP
The Philadelphia MSA transcends its State border of Pennsylvania and goes into the State of New Jersey.

St. Louis MSA Map
The St. Louis MSA transcends its State border of Missouri and goes into the State of Illinois.

Chicago MSA MAP
The Chicago MSA transcends its State border of Illinois and goes into the States of Ohio and Wisconsin.

Kansas City MSA MAP
The Kansas City MSA transcends its State border of Missouri and goes into the State of Kansas.